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Greg Reynolds, Longtime WSP USA Inspection Services Project Director, Announces Retirement

Greg Reynolds, WSP Senior Vice President of Federal Programs, has decided to retire after 25 years of involvement with WSP's FEMA Housing Inspection Services Project. He previously worked for FEMA as the Inspection Services Chief before joining the WSP management team in 1997 and overseeing the Denton TX Operations Office.
Greg rose quickly through various leadership positions before being selected in 2009 to succeed Hugh Inglis as our Project Director and company Senior Vice-President. Under Greg’s leadership, our FEMA HIS team has supported more than 7 million inspections and over 400 disaster declarations.
To commemorate Greg's contributions to the project, we have honored him with the following recognitions:
2021 Beth Mortimer Extra Mile Award - Greg knows that the most successful people are those who serve the greatest number of people. Our core mission is to serve disaster survivors and if our inspectors are not successful in achieving that mission, we are not successful. Greg goes out of his way to ensure that we support each other and the inspectors who make that happen every day.
2021 Dave Morris Project Dedication Award - People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Greg's commitment is evidenced by the years he has unselfishly dedicated to our project's success and his continuous efforts to improve our capabilities, often at a great personal sacrifice. Thanks, Greg!
2021 Gerald Barber Customer Service Award - Greg understands the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, or an honest compliment. All of these small acts of caring have the power to improve a situation or turn a life around. He made it his mission to ensure that all staff feels appreciated and promote a culture of appreciation with others.
Though saddened that Greg will no longer be involved in our day-to-day operations, we are all pleased that our own Jarad Kapsa agreed to take the helm after being selected to fill the leadership position. As Greg's former Deputy Project Director, Jarad is well qualified to lead us through the challenges that lie ahead. We wish both every success!
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